Firstly before I forget, call me crazy, in a moment of insanity I made warm blueberry soup served with cinnamon and soy yoghurt. AND, I was pleasantly surprised at how appealing and tasteful it was considering its calorific content (which I'm trying not to get too wrapped up in). Unfortunately my phone seems to disapprove of my posting of pictures so it'll have to wait >:<
Well I've been busy. Super busy. Out since 8.30 this morning and only walked in the door at quarter to 7! It's now 10pm and I'm tucked up in bed with my dog and electric blanket. Appointments left right and centre every corner I turn or hill I climb. Today there was two. Another 8 booked before August 20th. And I came away feeling the best in a long time. So here's the verdict, my case manager is being changed. I'm doing CAT therapy. I'm being referred to a dietician. My meds were changed. My med management was changed. I am also now on melatonin ($70 not on PBS!!!) and off olanzapine and on seroquel regularly. My reflux med doubled. If my reflux persists I have to have a gastroscopy! (Can I just say chai tea does not taste so good a second time round) Scary business. Also I have to wear a holter monitor (anyone with experience please share I can't find anything online! Dr Google why must you fail me?!) on August 20th for my tachy for 24hrs so we can investigate further and get a diagnosis! Finally. My gp appt was booked for 30minutes (regular) but her first appt didn't show, good thing, my appt took the whole double! Oh and I'm off weekly pickup. Yay yay yay. Productive appts and my gp is really happy with me and supportive of me and my concerns. Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my gp? I would turn gay for her except that would be a pointless exercise on account of her a)being married and b)having a patientVSdr relationship barrier.
I have also been thinking of contacting some family friends recently which to me personally are more like family (probably more so then my actual family, can I adopt them?) anyway it enters my mind and as quickly as it does it escapes it. So I keep forgetting. I was waiting to pick my meds up from the chemist this afternoon and low and behold he messaged me asking how I was long time no talk, that kinda jazz. So I quickly took my chance piped up and asked them to meet up. He messaged me back later as I was on the bus inviting me to breakfast on Sunday. So it's booked. I am both overjoyed with excitement and yet a terrible bundle of nerves. We are yet to decide where and what time (I am not an early bird especially not on <6hrs sleep a night for the last 7months! With maybe a handful of restful nights, nor am I a breath or fresh air first thing in the mornings fair to say I am not your early bird kinda gal). The next big question is, WHAT SHALL I WEAR???h