I am constantly thinking about my Anorexia how it came about and why I don't seem to want to give it up. Because truthfully what does Anorexia do for you? Screws up your heart, your digestive system, your reproductive system, your oesophagus. You get the pictures its just all out bad. But still I cling to it like a life boat! It is the one consistency in my life the one thing I'm
good at.
I suppose it's like opening a pandoras box and perhaps the answers I may never find.
I bought a new watch today seeing as though clothes shopping now ends in tears and a lot of
voices. And it was
way too big. I couldn't work out if
it was too big or
I was too small either way it called for some missing links.
I leave you with some meme's that I find correlate with my Anorexia and my thought process all too well at the moment.

Use this like a bible, learn to love yourself you are more then a diagnosis and you will be more then a statistic!

and this one I just find amusing. Perhaps one day. Or... maybe not haha
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