Wednesday 27 May 2015

Doing the ring aroumd

I last posted Sunday it's now technically Thursday(1am). Let's just say it's been a long day of ups and downs.

Monday I attempted to kill myself again  after a very tedious gp/psych appt. I told my team I was suicidal so they got a higher team to overview me. I told them I wasn't suicidal with all intent to return home and die. About 1pm rolled around and there was a knock at the door, I was given my notice of leave and asked to be out by 4pm. I continued on with my suicide attempt. It ended in hospital, until yesterday.

So I as most other teenagers do kept a close eye on my eye candy. He was as sweet as ever. Adoring. We went out to the realestate on Tuesday together and he stood up for me when they dicked me around. Then we went on a chai date, he did the gentlemanly thing and paid. I'm just awe struck that someone could be so genuinely kind to me! To bad he's 'not interested' it was a bit of fun.

Wednesday I was booted from the psych ward which is no biggy as they weren't even helping they were a door stopper of a.bamdaod quick fix. I get my message.dispwmsws wwwkly now instead. Maybe I'll stock up on then? Oh well I'm not suicidal at present my an is serving it's path. I was discharged with no accommodation and noway to get anywhere. So eye candy and I went for a walk down to the beach it was slightly romantic.

My Melbourne friend told me to present at Melbourne er I had nothing to lose so I hoped on a train. Lucky I spent the night in resuscitation with an incredibly high hr. I'm now on a medical ward awaiting review from the psych team. I don't mind being admitted here they have a specialist unit but I can't eat. The drip I've been connected to all night has finally finished after God knows how many litres I'm peeing like a camel

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