Monday 30 December 2013

Going back

I'm on a new diet--it's called I don't give a fuck

My parents are well aware of my relapse now.

And I'm refusing to eat (just stoked up on diet Pepsi THIS.WILL.BE.MY.LIFELINE!)

Out of desperation my dad made an emergency appt at my clinic to which I kept up the forefront of "I'm ok, I'm fine, everything's alright, LEAVE ME ALONE" well... Now I'm back on the waiting list to go back to melb (it will be a shorter wait as I've already been there, but still no telling how long, they have a meeting early next week and will discuss then) 

They were going to send me to our local psych ward but it would of been pointless I would of continued up as they don't deal with ed's. 

So instead I have been sent home with yet another diagnosis depression! (on top of OCD, anorexia, anxiety and social phobia) to continue to starve and exercise and abuse laxatives (as they can't detain me because I'm not suicidal, and my dad said they won't push food on me) and in the meantime whilst we wait my meds have been increased and they will up my visits to clinic and reassess on Thursday -.-' 

Blaah so drained and exhausted an tired and angry and upset. And just generally an emotional train wreck.

What a way to end the year! 

"The world ends not with a bang, but a whimper" T.S.Elliot 

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