Wednesday 4 February 2015

My first day of school

Update time; 9-1.30 we were scheduled to have class. At 6am my dad woke me to wish me the best of luck and tell me how proud he is of me. Very greatly appreciated though. So then i was bursting with excitement and couldn't sleep so up and at em I went. No one was home. I waited and waited and waited still no one so I did my make up. Gate grates open... Woof woof, dogs are home... Grandpas home. Darn it I'm hungry where's gran? He have me a pep talk, again greatly appreciated. 15-30minutes later gate grates open again shuffle shuffle. It was gran! Brekki time. I had been both waiting for it and dreading it all at once and which one more I couldn't tell you. Bacon and eggs on toast. Energy food as my gran calls it. She then proceeded to make my lunch 6 cruskits with Nutella two shortbread biscuits and a bottle of water. Photo time! It was like my first day back at school all over again a little bundle of energy (or not so little) bouncing off the walls counting down until 'take off' 8.30 crept around and it was off! My first stop was the reception area to get some direction as I was waiting I overheard someone asking where the diploma of nursing students were " room 410" "excuse me are you doing nursing?" "Yes we are" "can I come with you" "sure" and there you have it two friends in less then 10minutes. Elle and Jess. Both in group A. Unfortunately I was in group B but never fear right behind me sat two more girl a little older then I (26) we got talking and soon enough bam two more friends. Teraysa and pip. We spent the day finding our way around the online classroom (I think I'm more likely to get lost on there then on campus). We had a 15minute break where we went to a little sitting area on the fourth floor Elle ate sandwiches and Jess a salad here I am with six cruskits...I ate 2 and drank some water. I was 'full'. Really I didn't want to be seen as a pig. Then it was back to the computers. Annoyingly my computer chucked the dummy and the techi couldn't fix it so he wrote his number down and told me to ring him once we had finished for the day. We were moved into the computer pod where our teacher was giving us pep talks. 1 o'clock came around and we were dismissed. So I went and waited back in our classroom I rang the techi and he told me he'd be up in ten so I waited patiently as I waited Teraysa offered to drop me home once I had finished. I happily obliged. The techi arrived and the problem was quickly fixed then it was off to Australia fair to pick up a go card (allows you to travel on trains buses and trams) I found the lotto shop easier then first thought. I rang Teraysa her and pip were at KFC. Inevitably they were pigging in. I not wanting to be left out sheepishly ordered. I ate. I was FULL like actually couldn't eat another thing full. Uncomfortably full. Then home again home again. Just had phone calls from all my family for the last hour now I'm thinking about going for a swim but I'm afraid I will sink to the bottom lol. Now my gran is making a celebratory roast chicken for dinner OMG FOOD IS THE BANE OF MY EXISTANCE

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