Sunday 21 September 2014

GW1 MET and surpassed!!!

So today is a good day! I lost 800g since yesterday putting me nicely 500g under gw1 and 1.5kg from gw2! I am beginning to see progress and also see tell tale signs that my body just isn't coping but, Anorexias web of lies has me convinced I'm doing everything right and to keep going you can do it your making progress can't you see! Would I lie to you? I can see how volatile this relationship is I can see the damage it's doing to me and yet I naively continue to listen to that reassuring voice in my head.

I've dropped my intake back again to half a glass of black tea drinking it in three to four intervals throughout the day so I don't just drop dead. Ha I really am stupid! Who would believe that half a glass of black tea a day is enough to live off?

I have also realised that in the last 3weeks I have eaten on four occasions twice involved 90cal soup and the other two times were fear foods, KFC and noodles. But its been a complete week since a morsel has touched my lips! No wonder I'm feeling the effects.

I went for a 2.2k walk yesterday arvo to lull the antaginating voice inside my head which really soothed  me. But today I'm paying the price I have big blisters I run out of breath just from standing for five minutes let alone walking for half an hour I get dizzy and fainting spells every time i stand up and my heart just about feels like its going to jump right out of my chest!

4 days thats all I've got to last then i see the team and i can either lie or be honest get the help i need or go home to die. I don't want  to be a pain in the arse and ring them any earlier because they'll probably take one look and say "there's nothing wrong with you girl! Why are you wasting our time" And if not they will give me the look of disappointment that says it all "You know what you have to do, why don't you just eat?" 

I looked at my tongue for the first time today in quiet some time as my mouth is feeling quite dry and what do you know it's white as snow. A tell tail sign I have now learnt from the many practitioners I have encountered over the time of dehydration. But my brain still has a battle with me one part naively believing half a glass of black tea is enough to sustain myself and the other half laughing saying who are you kidding!?
My beautiful blotchy white tongue the picture does an injustice to how white it actually is

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