Saturday 4 October 2014


Well yesterday was a fun day. The IV fluids finished and overnight they hooked me up to a litre of potassium with 4% glucose which I really wasn't impressed with after being told they wouldn't be giving me any glucose.

I had a shower and somehow the canula was dislodged so they had to try and recanulate me 2 times both were unsuccessful. Then they needed to take blood from me but all my veins were dried up so to no avail they tried both my arm and my feet!

I also had a coffee yesterday which was heaven! I still haven't eaten and now have an NGT running at 10 mls an hour 24/7 because I'm such a high refeeding risk it was put in at about 1pm yesterday but the feeds didn't start until 9pm.

Apparently my blood work has come back today all clear which is a relief. Tomorrow is Monday so my psych team should hopefully be working so I can try to get out of here rather then moved to the swanston centre. And boy if I get out of here I won't be abusing my privilege. There's another girl up here waiting for a bed in swanno so I'm praying they move her first and buy me a bit of extra time.

My friend came up today and bought in some colouring ins and a deck of uno cards to pass the time. It was a really sweet gesture. I also had another friend who's 15years older then me making a pass I me saying he wants to take me to dinner I don't know how to let him down nicely.

I told my nurse I would have a cup of coffee at about 8pm hoping I can hold out.

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